Custom Aluminum Storage Sheds

screen room storage shed combo When indoor space is at a premium consider custom aluminum storage sheds as a cost effective solution for keeping seasonal items tucked away and out of sight. Haggetts Aluminum specializes in aluminum products manufacturing in Brevard County, other Atlantic coastal counties, and Central Florida.

For brick homes, wood frame, concrete block, and even mobile home or prefab homes, we have a wide choice of standard and custom options for aluminum storage sheds.

We manufactured our aluminum awnings previously in Kissimmee before relocating to Cocoa, Florida, and are licensed to add screen rooms and storage sheds to existing homes.

If you’re thinking about a new patio perhaps a combo upgrade may be more practical. You may want to consider a combination screen room and storage shed as pictured here.

This retrofit was added to the existing mobile home and we handled everything from the cement slab to framing and final construction.

The open area screen room is to the left and the fully enclosed integrated storage shed is to the right. Look closely and you’ll see the storage shed door entrance is accessed from the home by going through the screen room, so if it’s raining you remain dry in between.

Call us with any questions about custom aluminum storage sheds, and remember we do aluminum awnings, screen rooms, carports, storage sheds, and pressure washing.

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Posted in aluminum, carport, news, screen room, storage shed
Contact Information
Haggetts Aluminum

Our Address:

4370 N. Highway 1
Cocoa, Florida 32927

Phone: 321-978-5500
Fax: 321-978-5561
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