Combo Deck Roof Awning

This combo deck roof awning for a Merritt Island Florida customer serves as a roof that they can lock down in a severe storm.

combo deck roof awning on posts

Our unique custom multipurpose awning design serves the purpose of a roof, yet the 3 vertical 2×2 posts provide temporary support.

The posts are easily removed and the awning swings down flush with the exterior wall, single door, and sliding glass door.

The design was built to fit inside the handrails plus clear the deck floor, and then it may be bolted down when fully closed.

We specialize in custom designed awning solutions. Need a custom design quote? Call 321-978-5500 for a quote.

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Posted in aluminum, awnings, roof
Contact Information

Haggetts Aluminum
Our Address:
4370 N. Highway 1
Cocoa, Florida 32927
Phone: 321-978-5500
Fax: 321-978-5561
Email Link:Email Us

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