Custom 150 MPH Wind Rated Carport

This freestanding 20′ x 20′ square custom 150 mph wind rated carport was designed for a doctors parking lot in Rockledge, Florida.

custom 150 mph wind rated carport

The 4″ x 4″ upright aluminum posts are embedded 2 feet into the ground and cemented in place to handle high winds common in Florida.

This special custom carport was custom designed and built to withstand sustained 150 mph winds according to required local code.

Do you have challenging specs for a new carport? Call 321-978-5500 for a quote.

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Contact Information

Haggetts Aluminum
Our Address:
4370 N. Highway 1
Cocoa, Florida 32927
Phone: 321-978-5500
Fax: 321-978-5561
Email Link:Email Us

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